Friday, July 31, 2009

A Draggy Friday

For some reason I wasn't up to snuff today. Although I was able to get up, shower, make the bed, breakfast, etc. without the usual, frequent 10-minute breathers, my mood wasn't (isn't) good and my general energy level is low.

It took me a while to fall asleep last night (Mahler came to the rescue yet again!). I guess I thought me writing about my control issues would help lessen the thoughts going through my head. I also think writing on the computer late at night (this means after 9:00 p.m.) keeps me awake. I can do some puzzles, read, watch TV and fall quickly to sleep, but if I am on the computer or working on a difficult sudoku right before bed - I am wide awake for hours.

My good friend and business associate came over this morning and we talked and did some work. It felt good to use my mind, and it is always fun working with Ann. We started to talk about food and diet and weight - all those good female ailments - but we'll need to pick up that conversation at another time. I was supposed to go to my sister's for healing touch, but just couldn't get myself into the car and out to the burbs. I started to do some exercises, and when Thierry came back from visiting C-Minor (our little power boat we keep on the Delaware), we both went down to the gym. I did 20-minutes on the elliptical and then did an upper body workout on the machines. It was pretty funny - I had to power way down - using 10 and 15 lbs!!! But I did it - now to do it again tomorrow.

I got frazzled over dinner. Probably because I decided to cook the hot peppers we just got from Dad's garden at the same time I was preparing the meal. Some of you are familiar with these, but I'll explain for those who aren't. Dad grows a brand of pepper called a Hungarian Hot. These are yellowish-green, and long and thin. Mom's way of cooking them is to take out the seeds, slice the peppers into rings, then fry them slowly until they turn black. The peppers can be pretty tangy - and these are. Anyway, the last few times I have cooked peppers they did not get crunchy. You see crunchy is important because we mash them and put them in almost everything. We add them to broccoli-rabe cooked with egg and cheese (or not), other vegetables, rice, pasta, sandwiches, eggs, the list goes on.

Thierry again came to my rescue and helped keep an eye on the peppers, turning them when necessary so they blackened evenly. This is a good thing, because he really likes the peppers and just last night, asked my mother how to cook them. They came out perfect.

I feel so much better when I write. Going over even the tiniest things that happened during the day, like Thierry and the peppers, makes me smile and lifts my spirits.

Today was another very good day!

1 comment:

ann mcn said...

and you write beautifully. I love to read your musings.
