Susie (friend and neighbor) reviewed my blood test results with me. She said the liver tests were much improved; however my protein levels are down – so I'm back to 2-3 whey drinks a day, in addition to adding some other sources of protein. The doctor told me today that now is the time to EAT! As I type those words I envision a big round face with mouth open exposing wide large sharks teeth – oh and it has big pointy ears as well. I actually gained another 3 lbs. this week - ate a hamburger (ick - won't do that again too soon) and had lamb one night for dinner!!
I have started to read “Joe Speedboat” by Tommy Wieringa, a Dutchman. Our friend Jeannine from Amsterdam sent it to me – translated into English, of course. It is a good, easy read. Very entertaining. The story of Joe is told by Frankie, who emerges from a coma – unable to walk and talk and has limited use of his limbs. I'll keep you posted.
I received a lovely gift today. Our dear friend Doris is an extremely talented artist. Her paintings are exhibited in Old City, at the shore, in Delaware and places around the Main Line. She has won many awards for her works, and we have several in our home. She painted a lovely picture of Gladiolas in a vase, for me. Like all of her work, it is amazing and I love it.
I am so blessed to be surrounded by such caring, loving people. Life is good, my life is great! Today was a great day.
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